Mitochondrial Echoes @ Art Machines/ 2 – City University, Hong Kong
Happy to announce that Mitochondrial Echoes: Computational Poetics, an immersive single-channel, AI-driven poetic visual and auditory score fruit of our own going collaboration with Steve DiPaola, PrOphecy Sun, and Freya Zinovieff is part of Constructing Context at Art and Machines/2 curated by Tobias Klein and Rodrigo Guzman-Serrano at City U University Hong Kong, June 10-20,…
Feminist Interventions in the West Coast: The case of Video Art and Computer Graphics @ Digital. Visual. Material Symposium, 2021
We are very excited to collaborate with Daniel Cardoso Llach and Theodora Vardoulli on the virtual symposium Digtial. Visual. Material and the upcoming exhibition Vers un imaginarie numérique with our research on female artists and curators based on the West Coast who experimented with computer graphics and video and imbued these technologies with a feminist…
Visual Culture of Resistance in Latin America in LASA 2021
Along with research collaborators Alessandra Santos and Sarah Shamash, and colleagues Kim M. Beauchesne and Magdalena Edwards, Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda participated in the panel Visual Cultures of Resistance in Latin American which addressed the power dynamics and culture of resistance in modern and contemporary works, within diverse genres and forms pertaining to visual culture. In…
cMAS at the Post-Humanities Hub Seminar directed by Prof Cecilia Åsberg and Dr Marietta Radomska.
This session, moderated by Morten Søndergaard and Janna Holmstedt, will focus on sound as evidence and sonic explorations in the hybrid field between scientific and artistic practices. It seeks to look beyond the visual, attend to sonically mediated phenomena, and explore how sound and listening might offer ways to navigate fields and areas on the…
Hacía otra historia de la música electrónica y el arte sonoro: Mujeres compositoras en Latinoamérica, 1889-1980 @ REA 10 Dec 2022
Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda discutió avances de una investigación que aborda un vacío en las historias globales de las artes mediáticas al investigar la vida y obra de cuatro compositoras latinoamericanas cuyas trayectorias profesionales atravesaron las principales redes mundiales de producción musical y de arte experimental durante el siglo XX. Esta investigación se centra en desentrañar…
Research-Creation Seminar with students from Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín Colombia- Dec 7-11, 2020
As part of cMAS ongoing relationship with the University of Antioquia, Medellín Colombia we are pleased to announce our seminar on research-creation with graduate students from the Master in Audiovisual Production at UA and cMAS research collaborators Lois Klassen, Sarah Shamash, prOphecy Sun, Carlos Colín and Amanda Gutiérrez. In the seminar, students will explore the…
33. Roundtable | A Current and Critical Evaluation of an “Ethical [re]Turn”
2020 UAAC-AAUC ONLINE Conference / Congrès / October 15- 17 octobre, 2020 33. Roundtable | A Current and Critical Evaluation of an “Ethical [re]Turn” Chair: Lois Klassen, Emily Carr University of Art + Design lois(at)loisklassen.com With a multitude of voices decrying ethics in computational research (for the internet of things, big data, smart city, robotics, machine…
Call for Papers # 59 Unearthing the Imaginary in a Post-COVID World
2020 UAAC-AAUC ONLINE Conference / Congrès / October 15- 17 octobre, 2020 Chairs: Prophecy Sun and Freya Zinovieff, Simon Fraser University. prophecy_sun(at)sfu.ca /fzinovie(at)sfu.ca The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the cultural and social landscape has changed how we interact with, care for, witness, communicate, codify, and collaborate with one another. Decades of cultural ways of…
Call For Papers # 56. Thinking “Latin American Art/Artists” through Flows and Diasporas
2020 UAAC-AAUC ONLINE Conference / Congrès / October 15- 17 octobre, 2020 Panel 56. Thinking “Latin American Art/Artists” through Flows and Diasporas Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda , Simon Fraser University, gacevess(at) sfu.ca Analays Alvarez Hernandez, Université de Montréal, analays.alvarez (at) umontreal.ca Despite its short existence, the International Biennial of Contemporary Art in South America (BIENALSUR) is redefining…
Feminism(S) and Imaging Technology in Latin America @ Western University , October 23, 2019
Thanks Alena Robin and Christine A Sprengler for inviting me to give a talk at their Graduate Seminar with Hispanic Studies and Visual Art Students. In this talk, I presented a genealogy of women artists that experimented with analog, electronic and computational imagery in Latin America. Specifically, I look at how Latin American women became, not only…