Remediation and Re-Activation: Two Research-Art Creation Approaches
This summer Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda was invited to give a keynote master class at the 1st Meeting on Research- Creation Methodologies at the Universidad de Antioquia in Medellín, Colombia. The meeting was part of the 5th Film and Video Festival “Ficción No Ficción.”
Sounding Difference @ RE SOUND Media Art Histories Conference, August 19-23 2019.
Sounding Difference is an academic track organized by Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda and Freya Zinovieff. It is part of an ongoing research project that explores how axes of differences can be illuminated through practices of sound and listening. It brings together Aceves Sepúlveda’s interests in crafting alternative historical narratives that make audible the voices and practices…
Freya Zinovieff and prOphecy Sun share their experiences at ASLE; the Biennial Conference for the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment
Freya Zinovieff and prOphecy sun just returned from ASLE; the Biennial Conference for the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment, held this year at UC Davis, where they presented a performative version of our ongoing research project Mothering Bacteria. In this post, they share their experiences and tell us how it enriched their…
Mothering Bacteria installed @ C&C | DIS 2019
An iteration of our ongoing project Mothering Bacteria is currently installed at Ecologies of Transformation, an exhibition for the 2019 ACM conferences Creativity and Cognition (C&C) and Design Interactive Systems (DIS). Mothering Bacteria: A Speculative Forecast of the Body as an Interface (2018) Bodies are interfaces, thresholds, vestibules, and gateways capable of hosting, carrying and…
Mothering Bacteria at the 2019 ASLE Conference @ UC Davis
prOphcey Sun and Freya Zinovieff have been busy rehearsing for the upcoming presentation of “Mothering Bacteria: Shifting Borderlands in Algorithmic Spaces” at 2019 ASLE Conference @ UC Davis June 26-30. Continuing with our explorations on research-creation and different media formats and outputs, they have developed a performative delivery of their academic paper. Before arriving…
Jo Shin recently came back from CHI 2019, congratulations!
Jo Shin presented the paper ” Collective Wisdom: Inquiring into Collective Homes as a site for HCI” at the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems in the Scottish Event Campus in Glasgow. Based on her master’s degree research on three collective homes in Vancouver, Shin offers two contributions to HCI scholarship. First, an in-depth design…
Manifesting Resistance in HASTAC 2019!
Join us today in HASTAC to listen to Jo Shin present our project Manifesting Resistance. Session 6B, Saturday 2:00 PM, Room The Nest 2301.
Congratulations Jo Shin on your MA thesis defense!
Last Monday, Feb 25 Jo Shin successfully defended her thesis “Collective Wisdom”: Inquiring into Collective Homes as a Site for HCI Design at SFU Surrey Campus. In this research, Jo engages with emergent Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) scholarship that expands the traditional characterization of ‘the home’. Jo’s thesis contributes to HCI studies of domestic environments through…
Lab Updates: Conferences to keep in mind
Dear all in MCL and cMAS, after our lab meeting yesterday we decided to start a list with some useful resources for all to share. To initiate this trend we decide to do a series of blog posts, but we are open to other ways of sharing this info. Our first entry is on conferences…
Excited to announce the first meeting of the Anthropocene Reading Group
Freya Zinovieff is organizing the Anthropocene Reading Group hosted by MCL/cMAS at the School of Interactive Arts and Technology in SFU Surrey Campus The group will meet once a month in room 3910 at SFU Surrey campus, and you are welcome to join in person or via Skype. Our first session is scheduled on Wednesday October…