Diaspora Dialogues: Archiving the Familiar – Opening Reception, Oct 4 @ SUR Gallery, Toronto
I am really excited to participate Diaspora Dialogues: Archiving the Familiar, featuring my work along with Amanda Gutiérrez, Cecilia Araneda, Soledad Fátima Muñoz, and Rosalina Libertad Cerritos, curated by Sarah Shamash and Tamara Toledo. Diaspora Dialogues: Archiving the Familiar features contemporary artworks by five women artists from the Latin American diaspora that apply a variety of…
Designing the Computational Image, Imagining Computational Design – Book Launch
New book alert! Really excited about the publication of Designing the Computational Image, Imagining Computational Design edited by Daniel Cardoso Llach and Theodora Vardouli documents a curatorial and editorial project visually exploring the intersection of design and computation. It draws from a series of exhibitions, events, and conversations featuring computational design pioneers as well as…
Homenaje a Carmen Barradas, Ateneo de Madrid, May 13, 2023
We are happy to share the video recording documenting the concert seminar to commemorate the more than 100 years of Carmen Barradas’s piano recital at the Ateneo de Madrid. I was honoured to share the stage with the talented Uruguayan pianist Patricia Mendoza Lluberas, Adriana Santos Melgarejo, Carmen Cecilia Piñero, Miguel Molina Alarcón, and Juan…
Latin American Video Art in the VIVO Media Arts Archive @ LASA 2023- Vancouver
On May 26 2023we were honoured to host a video screening and library showcase of Latin American Video Art in the VIVO Media Art Archive. Organized in collaboration with Archive/Counter Archive (ACA) and the LASA Film Studies and Visual Culture section ( via Jessica Gordon-Burroghs), Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda curated a short screening selection of videos…
Feminist Sonographies of Situated Listening / sono(soro)ridades collective
Feminist Sonographies of Situated Listening is an immersive audio installation that maps out the research connections between the multidisciplinary individual practices of the sono(soro)ridades collective. This project is part of our process to enact our approach to what we call “decolonial feminist methodologies in sound” as a contribution to the field of research-creation. The installation…
Red Sono(soro)ridades @ LASA 2023 The Right to Listen
Victoria Polti, Freya Zinovieff, Amanda Guitiérrez, and Laura Balboa members of the RED SONO(SORO)RIDADES presented in LASA 2023 as part of the panel THE RIGHT TO LISTEN: COLONIALITY, AURAL REGIMES AND TECHNOPOLITICAL ACTIVISMS organized by AMANDA GUTIERREZ, chaired by VICTORIA POLTI with GABRIELA ACEVES SEPULVEDA as discussant The presenters discussed various engagements with sound methodologies,…
sono(soro)ridades at The Institute of Knowledge, U of A, May 16 – June 10, 2023
Really excited to be part of the exhibition at The Institute of Knowledge at The University of Alberta from May 16- June 20, 2023. Our collective sono(soro)ridades will present the audio installation Feminist Sonographies of Situated Listening. sono(soro)ridades is an ad-hoc group of feminist sound artists, activists and scholars interested in investigating the affective and…
Same Old Story at ISEA 2023
We are excited to share that Hamed Rashtian will be presenting a paper based on his research on the embodied realities of different colonial histories. In Same Old Story: Agential Realism in the Study of Colonial Histories, Rashtian asks: What are the possibilities of accessing the reality of history? How can we read history and…
Thursday Talk: Hamed Rashtian, “Same Old Story” @ Surrey Art Gallery – May 4, 7 :30 pm
Visual artist and Ph.D. student Hamed Rashtian will talk about his research on the embodied realities of different colonial histories. Rashtian will provide an overview of his art practice and then elaborate on his recent project Same Old Story. This multimedia installation reflects on the possibilities and limits of image, text, and sound to find creative forms…
Homenaje a Carmen Barradas, Ateneo de Madrid, May 13th @ 6:00 pm
So excited and honoured to be part of this symposium/concert in commemoration of the 100-year anniversary of Carmen Barrada’s premier of “Fabricación” at the Ateneo de Madrid along with Carmen Cecilia Piñero Gil, Juan Manuel Bonet, Miguel Molina Alarcón, Adriana Santos Melgarejo and Patricia Lluberas If you are in Madrid or Barcelona, please join us:…