cMAS at Re-Trace 2017
Just presented my new project on the histories of sound art that looks at the work of female Latin American composers including the Uruguayan Carmen Barradas (1888-1963) and the Colombian Jaqueline Nova (1935-1975) as important voices in the development of graphic notation and aleatory music at the media histories conference Re-Trace 2017. Thanks to Alfredo…
Hacía otra historia de la música electrónica y el arte sonoro: Mujeres compositoras en Latinoamerica, 1880-1980
Thanks to Ana María Romano for inviting me to present my new research projet on Women Composers in Latin America in the Festival En Tiempo Real. Nuevos Encuentros Sonoros in Bogota, Colombia. I am so grateful also to everyone in the audience for their interesting questions and suggestions. Muchas Gracias!
Honored to present Mama Pina’s project at the VII Reunión del Seminario CIESAS-INAH-UBC
VII Reunión del Seminario Permanente CIESAS-INAH-UBC University of British Columbia, 12-13 de octubre de 2017 Department of History, Buchanan Tower, Room 1206/1207 Vancouver, B.C., Canada Memoria Ciudadana – Recuperación de la vida cotidiana a partir de fuentes familiares y personales Programa Jueves 12 Moderador: Dr. Cuautémoc Velasco Avila, Dirección de Etnohistoria, INAH 9 a.m. Bienvenido…
Opening of “Quality Time,” an exhibition by the art/mamas at The Artbutus Gallery in the Coast Capital Library , KPU | Kwantlen Polytechnic October 2- 27, 2017
This exhibition brings together individual works from A.M. (art/mamas), a group of Vancouver-based artist mothers, whose discussions have centred on motherhood and art practice and the intersections between reproductive and artistic labour. A.M. aims to elaborate a model for a feminist, women-centred, sustainable creation process that integrates life and all of its chaos into a…
Acá Nada/ Acá Elsewhere screened in Your Kontinent Digital Carnival
We are excited that curator Wayne Palmer selected Acá Nada/Acá Elsewhere to be part of this year “Your Kontinent Digital Carnival” as part of Richmond World Festival. Join us on September 1 & 2, 2017. http://www.richmondworldfestival.com/things-to-do/your-kontinent-digital-carnival/
New Media Caucus Sponsored panel | CAA 2018, Los Angeles, February 21-24, 2018
Immersive technologies have a long history. As Oliver Grau puts it our current desire for immersive experiences did not make its first appearance with the invention of computer-aided virtual realities (Grau, 2014). Following Grau’s seminal study on virtual art, significant advances in the history of immersive technology have led to a broader understanding of our…
Archiving Latin America’s Digital Heritage @ ISEA 2017 Manizales Colombia
Gabriela will present the paper “Feminizing the archives of digital art: Recovering the work of female artists woking in Mexico, 1960-1980” in the panel “Archiving Latin America’s Digital Heritage” organized by Reynaldo Thompson. She will discuss how some of the work by Margaret Randall (b. 1936 New York City), Lorraine Pinto (b.1933 New York) and…
Excited to present at Aging Graz 2017
Really honored to present the work of Ana Victoria Jiménez alongside May Chazan, Melissa Baldwin and Marlene Goldman as part of Chazan, Baldwin and Evan’s edited volume “Activist Aging: Older, Bolder and Changing the World” @ Aging Graz 2017, Apri,l 27- 30, 2017.
Honored to be part of the exhbitionSHEILA: Women, Art and Production at Fazakas Gallery
I will be showing a new body of work along with the he art/mamas collective. SHEILA: Women, Art, and Production Opening Reception: Wednesday, March 8th, 6-9 p.m. Exhibition: March 8th – March 25th, 2017 Please join us for the opening reception of an all-female group exhibition to coincide with International Women’s Day 2017, featuring work…
Jo Shin, Fred Machuca and Xavier Wu in “Under Supervision” @ AVHA Gallery
The Critical Media Arts Studio (cMas) is pleased to invite you to an upcoming exhibition that includes projects designed by three SIAT graduate students from Dr. Gabriela Aceves Sepulveda’s SIAT New Media class and guest curator Dr. Hannah Turner, a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Kate Hennessy’s Making Culture Lab. As part of the final project…