Sono-Soro[ridades]: Feminist interventions in Sound Art @ SONORIDADES FRONTEIRIÇAS 2 – JUNE 9-11 2021

We are excited to announce that as part of cMAS’  efforts to build connections with researchers across the Americas we are initiating our collaboration with Borderline Sonorities ( Sonoridades Fronteiriças) organized by the Brazilian based research group GEIST (Study Group on Images, Sound and Technologies) led by Prof. José Cláudio S. Castanheira from the Federal University at Santa Catarina (UFSC), Prof. Pedro Silva Marra from the Federal University of Espíritu Santo (UFES), Prof. Marcelo Bergamin Conter at Rio Grande do Sul Federal Institute (IFRS), journalist independent researcher Dulce Mazer, and Ph.D. students Melina Santos, Cassio de Borba Lucas, and Mario Arruda.

At Bordeline Sonorities,  Freya Zinovieff (cMAS/SIAT PhD Candidate), Amanda Gutiérrez (Concordia), and Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda (cMAS/SIAT/SFU) will host five panels focusing on Feminist Interventions in Sound Art.

Building on Marcela Legrade’s concept of sororidad (2006), understood as a non-binary, ethical, political, and practical dimension of contemporary feminism(s), in this track, we consider sono-soro[ridades] as a critical frame to look at the sonic dimensions of patriarchy. As a feminist intervention in the archives of sound art, sono-soro[ridades] makes visible how sound and gender constructions intersect each other. It highlights the potential of the sonic to unveil and make audible unequal power dynamics in which gendered violence and exclusion are perpetuated. We seek to listen to what sono-soro[ridades] sounds like and explore together its political potential in creating non-exclusionary-sounding futures and re-sounding pasts and presents.

To do so, we invited submissions on historical and theoretical papers research-creation projects that make visible the contributions of women and LGTBQ artists in sound art, including (but not limited to) composition, technological invention, media arts, radio and podcast productions, as well as other projects that have opened, created, and disseminated feminist and independent spaces for sound production across the globe. Here is the list of our amazing selection of speakers:

Sonic Pedagogies  – June 9, 2021
How do sono-soro[ridades] sound like in your approach to pedagogy?
From: 16:00 to 18:00 (Brazilian time)/ From: 12:00 to 14:00 (Vancouver time) / From: 15:00 to 17:00 (Montreal time)
Presenter 1:    Suzanne Thorpe, “A Recipe for Belonging in Technical Learning Environments”
Presenter 2: Amanda Lourenço Jacometi, “Girls rock camp brasil: música, feminismo, anti capitalismo e heterotopia”

Feminist Interventions in Sound  June 9, 2021
How do sono-soro[ridades] sound like in your project? How does an increased representation of female composers, musicians, sound artists support/enhance or enable sono-soro[ridades] ?
From: 19:00 to 21:00 (Brazilian time)/ From: 15:00 to 17:00 (Vancouver time)/ From: 18:00 to 20:00 (Montreal time)

Presenter 1: Teresa Díaz de Cossio, Listening for Alida Vázquez: A life in Electronic Music Between Migration, Race and Gender”
Presenter(s) 2: Isadora Franco Oliveira / Zandra Coelho de Miranda, “Batucada das Minas: A sororidade do batuque
Alexandre Junior Alencar Amorim / Edna da Silva Pinheiro / Lara Giovana de Araújo Roseno / Larissa Maximiano da Silva / Leonardo Pellegrim Sanchez / Robson Maia de Almeida, “Representatividade feminina na cena da música popular brasileira na perspectiva de quatro saxofonistas”

Sound Sororities in Public Space – June 10, 2021
How does your practice build Sono-Soro[ridades]? Or how do sono-soro[ridades] sounds like in your practice?
From: 11:00 to 13:00 (Brazilian time)/ From: 7:00 to 9:00 (Vancouver time)/ From: 10:00 to 12:00 (Montreal time)

Presenter 1: Ana Alfonsina Mora Flores, “Goddess of noise: Sorority and music experimentation in Latin America”
Presenter 2: Victoria Polti,Etnofonías feministas en Argentina: sono(soro)ridades y eficacia performativa del sonido”
Presenter(s) 3: Ana Beatriz Moreto do Vale / Dulce Mazer, “¡No somos las mismas! Intervención sonora y articulación transmediática feminista el #8m en la Ciudad de México.”
Presenter(s) 4: María Torres / Concepción Huerta, “Forensic Soundtracks 2015-2020 ”

Collaborative Sonic Performances – June 10, 2021
How does your practice build Sono-Soro[ridades] ? Or how do sono-soro[ridades] sounds like in your practice?
From: 14:00 to 16:00 (Brazilian time) / From: 10:00 to 12:00 (Vancouver time) / From:13:00 to 15:00 (Montreal time)

Presenter 1: Laura Balboa, “Bulla Radio: A theirs tory of Mexican experimental sound through the voices of its creators”
Presenter 2: Sarah Shamash,Listening to the sounds of un/domestication – a performance art Project”
Presenter 3: Lena Ortega, “Unclimbing the summit, a feminine approach to sound”
Presenter 4: Amanda Gutiérrez, Walking With, an aural essay about collective feminism”

Queer and Posthuman Sonorities,  June 11
How do sono-soro[ridades] sound like in your approach to queer theory and/or posthuman relations? And or how queer and posthuman approaches challenge us to think about how sono-soro[ridades] should look and sound like?
From: 14:00 to 16:00 (Brazilian time)/ From: 10:00 to 12:00 (Vancouver time) / From: 13:00 to 15:00 (Montreal time)

Presenter 1: Luiz Fernando Wlian, “O momento musical como produtor de espaços dissidentes: uma análise do filme Tatuagem
Presenter 2: Rüstem Ertuğ Altınay, “Queer Sonorities and the Politics of Temporality: Disidentificatory Desires in Digital Performance from Turkey”
Presenter 3: Lottie Sebes, “The Sounding the Sewing Machine: Re-voicing Gendered Media Histories”


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