Dialogues: Latin American Art(ists) from/in Canada: Expanding Narratives, Territories, and Perspectives

Really honored to be part of this edited dossier by Analays Álvarez and Alena Robin on ” Latin American Art(ists) from/in Canada: Expanded Narratives, Territories and Perspectives.” My article discusses my encounters with the category “Latin American Art” in Vancouver and Toronto since 1999 and the work of Sarah Shamash Guadalupe Martinez, Carmen Rodriguez Nelly César, Manuel Piña, Josema Zamorano Carlos Colin, Tonel, Alessandra Santos, Emilio Rojas, Karine Ng, Nan Espinoza, Hilda Fernandez, Laura Cisneros, Jayce Salloum, Rodrigo Hernandez, Osvaldo Ramirez Castillo , Denise Ryner, Mónica Reyes and many more.


Checkout the whole issue edited here.