Launch of “Witnessing” by Hannah Turner, Jo Shin, Fred Machuca and Xavier Wu
Proud to announce the launch of the web-based project “Witnessing,” and accompanying zine and catalog completed as a final project by students in Simon Fraser University’s School of Interactive Arts and Technology’s (SIAT). The event will take place at the New Media Gallery in New Westminster, this Saturday, January 28th, 2017 at 11:00 AM –…
Media-N special edition on Mestizo Technology: Art, Design and Technoscience in Latin America
Check out the recent publication on the video work of video artists Pola Weiss and Sonia Andrade in the special edition of Media-N the Journal of the New Media Caucus co-authored by Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda and Sarah Shamash. Mestizo Technology: Art, Design, and Technoscience in Latin America mrñ, 2007, robotic urban parasite from the series…
Computer Art Congress 5 – Digital Art: Digital Archiving and Questioning Immateriality
Remediating Mamá Pina’s Cookbook at CAC 5, MSH -Paris Nord, Oct 26-28, 2016 http://www.computer-art-congress.org/
VLAFF Vancouver Latin American Film Festival
Excited about the screening of “Acá Nada/ Acá Elsewhere,”a short film portrait of the aka artist collective. Founded by Manuel Piña, a Vancouver-based Cuban artist and university professor, the collective started as a group of contemporary Latin American artists living in Vancouver. Sat-Sept, 3, 2016 | 5:30 PM | The Cinematheque http://vlaff.org/aca-nada-aca-elsewhere
Honored to participate in the Computer Art Congress (CAC 5) this October in Paris with the project “Remediating Mama Pina’s Cookbook”. http://www.computer-art-congress.org/index.php/2016/06/07/accepted-papers-and-artworks-for-cac-5/
Welcome Jo Shin!
We are happy to announce that Jo Shin will be joining the cMAS studio this fall. With education across in Business, Communication and Digital Media and a wealth of experience working as digital strategist and marketing coordinator for the PuSh International Performing Arts Festival and Out On Screen, Jo will be investigating thanatosensitivity as a…
Fresh Talk- Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda interview Santiago Lara + Beatriz Coto (Laramascoto)
On Sunday, May 22, Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda will be on hand at the gallery for a talk, alongside a previously recorded Skype interview with artists Santiago Lara and Beatriz Coto. Lara and Coto, who work as the collective Laramascoto, speak (in Spanish) about their work and about their piece, Animalium, that’s part of the exhibition.…
ThirstDays No. 3- Harbour/Haven
Excited and honored to particiapte in Thristdays No. 3 Curated by Denise Ryner + Tonel along with my dear friends and colleagues from the aka collective: Sarah Shamash + Osvaldo Ramírez Castillo, Pia Massie, Retazos, Alessandra Santos + Steve DiPaola, Josema Zamorano + Eleanor Hendriks + Manuel Piña-Baldoquín. http://thirstdays.vivomediaarts.com/page/2
Thrilled and grateful to join SFU’s School of Interactive Arts and Technology !
After an amazing year as limited term lecturer in SIAT, I now join SIAT as an Assistant Professor in Interactive Arts.
Winner of the John Bullen Prize from CHA (Canadian Historical Association) 2015
Happy to announce that my PhD dissertation was awarded the John Bullen Prize from CHA (Canadian Historical Association) 2015, which honors the outstanding Ph.D. thesis on a historical topic submitted in a Canadian University. http://www.cha-shc.ca/english/what-we-do/cha-prizes/the-john-bullen-prize.html