Call for Papers # 59 Unearthing the Imaginary in a Post-COVID World

2020 UAAC-AAUC ONLINE Conference / Congrès / October 15- 17 octobre, 2020

Chairs: Prophecy Sun and Freya Zinovieff, Simon Fraser University.
prophecy_sun(at) /fzinovie(at)

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the cultural and social landscape has changed how we interact with, care for, witness, communicate, codify, and collaborate with one another. Decades of cultural ways of being are dismantled and evolving, placing artists in unique positions to navigate this new paradigm. However, as the pandemic highlights systemic inequalities, issues of race, gender, and privilege are definitive. 

This session invites papers, creative and unconventional approaches that reimagine the current state of online production, representation, and exhibition asking: 

1. What is the tension between dystopian pre-COVID Capitalism and potential new futures and can these existing hierarchies be broken down to transform and unsettle the arts and humanities?
2. How are technologies being employed to track and surveil, and how can we mitigate and care for one another in this new paradigm?
3. How have online residencies, exhibitions, and performances challenged or co-opted research-creation formats, and how can privilege be addressed?


We invite 300-word abstracts of the proposed papers to be sent along with a short academic CV to prOphecy sun, prophecy_sun(at), and Freya Zinovieff, fzinovie(at)

Submissions must include / Les soumissions doivent inclure :

*   the name of the applicant / le nom de l’intervenant·e
*   the applicant’s email address / l’adresse courriel de l’intervenant·e
*   the applicant’s institutional affiliation and rank / l’affiliation institutionnelle et le titre de l’intervenant·e
*   title of proposal / le titre de la communication
*   a proposal (300 words maximum) / une proposition de communication (maximum de 300 mots)
*   a brief biography (150 words maximum) / une courte biographie (maximum 150 mots)

Submissions must be submitted via the Call for Papers form attached. This form can be also found towards the end of the following link : / Les propositions doivent être soumises utilisant le formulaire ci-inclus < Appel à communications >. / Ce formulaire se trouve également vers la fin du lien suivant :

Proposals may be submitted by current members or non-members of UAAC. Non-members MUST become members of UAAC and pay registration fees in order to present a paper at the conference. Membership dues and registration fees must be received by September 11, 2020
More information at