Aceves Sepúlveda, G. (2025). “Some Notes on Firelei Báez and the Presence of Latin American Women Artists at the Vancouver Art Gallery” In Reimagining Histories: The Art of Firelei Báez: A Latin American Perspective a panel organized by the Vancouver Latin American Cultural Centre (VLACC), Curated Tastes and the Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, March 15, 2025. [Invited Speaker]

Aceves Sepúlveda, G. (2025). “Latin American Women Artists: Catalysts of New Media Art in the 1970s”. In Living with Two Brains: Gender, AI and New Media Art, An International Symposium co-organized by the Mori Art Museum and AWARE: Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions. Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan, February 15-16. [Conference Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, G. and Claudia Pederson (co-chairs and organizers) (2025). “Enchantments, Transmissions, Infections: A Poetics of Knowledge by Latin American Women Artists”. In 113th College of Arts Association Conference (CAA), New York City, Hilton Midtown, February 12-15.  [Conference Presentation]


Klassen, L. and Aceves Sepúlveda, G. (2024). “Gathering and Assembling in an Aftermath: Making and Unmaking Research Creation near the End of the Pandemic” In 2024 Performance Studies Conference PSI#29 Assemble, London, UK 20-23, 2024 [Conference Presentation]

Mina Castro, Cristina and Aceves Sepúlveda, G. (2024). “Engaging Affective Memory and Imagining Futures: ‘Tambadoras’ and Digital Tools for Afro-Colombian Cultural Preservation” In The Latin American Studies Conference, LASA 2024,  Bogotá, Colombia,  June 12- 15, 2024. [Conference Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, G. (2024). “Listening to a photograph of Alicia Urreta: A woman’s oblique journey into music composition, Mexico 1930s-1980s.” In Switched On: The Dawn of Electronic Sound by Latin American Women edited by Luis Alvarado and Alejandra Cárdenas (Contingent Sounds Publishing Platform, Berlin), 174-187. [Book Chapter]


Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela (2023).“Re-enacting/mediating/activating: Towards a collaborative feminist approach to research-creation.” Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research, Special Issue: ‘Women in Art and Science’, 21 (2): 175–91. [Journal Article]  https://doi.org/10.1386/tear_00110_1

Zinovieff, F., Droumeva, M., & Aceves Sepúlveda, G. (2023). “Elephant in the Matrix: Ethical Practice and Decolonial Praxis in Sonic Research.” Resonance: The Journal of Sound and Culture, 4(4), 325–347. [Journal Article]  https://doi:10.1525/res.2023.4.4.325

Zinovieff, F., Santos, A. and Aceves Sepúlveda, G. (2023) “Symbiotic Mitochondria: Towards a Collaborative Feminist Praxis.” In  2023 FEMeeting, Taos, New Mexico, July 24-30, 2023. [Conference Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, G. (2023) “Encuentros con Carmen Barradas, (2016-2023) ” In Homenaje a Carmen Barradas a 100 años de “Fabricación, Fundición y Aserradero” Ateneo de Madrid, Madrid, Spain. 13 May 2023. [Conference Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, G. (2023) Latin American Video Art in the VIVO Media Arts Archive: A Response in dialogue with Gabriela Aceves Sepulveda’s research on Women Art and the Periphery, VIVO MEDIA Arts, Vancouver, BC, Wednesday, May 26, 2023. This event was co-organized with LASA film studies and visual culture section and Archive/Counterarchive. Curated by Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda in collaboration with Karen Knights and the support of Gabriel Juliano as an RA.  [Exhibition and Video Screening]

sono(soro)ridades collective (2023) Feminist Sonographies of Situated Listening. Installed The Institution of Knowledge, a research-creation exhibition and symposium organized by Geoffrey Rockwell and Natalie Loveless presented at the FAB Gallery at the University of Alberta, May 16 to June 10, 2023. [Multimedia Installation]

Rashtian, H., and Aceves Sepúlveda, G. (2023). “Same Old Story: Agential Realism in the Study of Colonial Histories.” In ISEA 2023, at the Forum des images, Paris, France. 16 May 2023. [Conference Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, G. (2023) “La portapak en Latino América: The gendering of early video technology by women artists in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico” In Encounters in Video Art in Latin America edited by Elena Shtromberg and Glenn Phillips (Getty Publications, J. Paul Getty Trust), 130-133. [Book Chapter]

Aceves Sepúlveda, G. (2023) “Doing things differently: Re-Imaging Feminist Archives as Collaborative and Intergenerational Living Practices.” In Dead Stop: Feminist Artists’ Legacies organized by Connie Tell and Rachel Middleman, The Feminist Art Project (TFP) in 111Th CAA Annual Conference, February 15-18. [Conference Presentation]


Zinovieff, F., G. Aceves Sepúlveda, prOphecy sun, S. DiPaola (2022). “Connective Tissue and Bacterial Echoes: Four Artists, a River, and an Artificial Agent.” In Ecocene: Cappadocia Journal of Environmental Humanities 3. 2. December, 173-178. [Journal Article]

Juliano, Gabriel. (2022). Awareness and Hope Through Criolo’s Decolonial Project “Etérea”(2019). Stream: Interdisciplinary Journal of Communication 2022, Vol 14 (2), 48–62. [Conference Proceedings]

Aceves Sepúlveda, G. (2022). Tracing Sonic-Visualities, Tracing Feminist Sonic-Visualities in Latin American Art and its Diasporas” In Latin American Visual Histories: Paradigms/Aporias/Methods, Banff Center for the Arts [Invited speaker]

Aceves Sepúlveda G. (2022). Taking Care of Our History: Lotty Rosenfeld’s “Paz para Sebastián Acevedo”  In Invisible Colors Remediated., VIVO Media Arts Center, September 23-24, 2022. [Invited Sepaker]

Aceves Sepúlveda, G and F. Zinovieff. (2022).“ Remediation, Reactivation and Reenactment as feminist methods for collaborative research-art-creation” In  2022 FEMeeting, Lisboa and Evora, Portugal September 10-17, 2022. [Conference Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, G. (2022) Las Mujeres se hacen visibles: los feminismos en el arte y los nuevos regimens mediáticos y de visualidad en la Ciudad de México, 1971-2011. Lorena S. Murillo, translator (Bonilla Artigas Editores y CIEG -UNAM; México, 2022). [Monograph]

Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda, chair and co-organizer and Sarah Shamash, organizer  (2022)Activating the Archive: An Overview of media-based research-creation across the Americas” Panel organized and co-chaired at the Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CALACS), University of Toronto, August 24, 2022. [Conference Presentation]

Kate Hennessy and Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda co-chairs and organizers (2022). “Critical Research-Creation Engagements with Artificial Intelligence: New Works from the Making Culture Lab and CriticalMediaArtsStudio (cMAS)” In Royal Anthropology Institute RAI 2022 Anthropology and the Future of Human Society. June 8, 2022. [Conference Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, G. and Adriana Santos Melgarejo. (2022) “Carmen Barrada’s Plastica Musical: Crossovers between notation and painting, (1888-1963)” In Open Scriptures: Notation in Contemporary Art in Europe and the Americas, Susana González Aktories y Susanne Klengel (eds.), Iberoamericana/ Vervuert, Madrid/Frankfurt. p 147-162. [Book Chapter]

Aceves Sepúlveda, G. (2022) “Encounters with “Latin American Art” in Canada: From Toronto to Vancouver, 1999-2021.” In Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture (2022) 4 (1): 122–136. [Journal Article]

Lois Klassen and Aceves Sepúlveda, G. (2022) “Amplified Listening to Race and Gender in Fiamma Montezemolo’s Echo and Stephanie Dinkins’s N’TOO ”In Media-N, Journal of the New Media Caucus. Special issue No Template: Art and the Technologies of Race, Spring 2022, Vol. 18, Issue 1. [Journal Article]

Sun, p.;  Ziniovieff, F.; Aceves Sepúlveda, G. and DiPaola,S. (2022) Bodies as Borders: Body as Border: Traces and Flows of Connection, Urban Screen Surrey Art Gallery, curated by Rhys Edwards, February to May 2022. [Site-Specific Installation]

Santos Melgarejo, A., Aceves Sepulveda, G.  and Mendoza Lluberas, P. (2022) “Fabricación, Aserradero, and Fundición: Reactivating the compositions of Carmen Barradas (1888-1963)” In Gender and Musicianship Study Days conference at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki” January 25, 2022. [Concert-Conference Presentation]


Aceves Sepúlveda, G. and Santos Melagrejo, A. “Resonancia vibracionista: Conexiones y colaboraciones en las obras de Carmen y Rafael Barradas” In Rafael Barradas: Hombre Flecha.  Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales de Uruguay y el Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires (MALBA), September 2021- February 2022. ISBN: 978-987-47588-5-9 [Essay in Exhibition Catalogue]

prOphecy  Sun, Freya  Zinovieff, Steve DiPaola and Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda. Mitochondrial Echoes: Computational Poetics, In Art Machines 2 – International Symposium on Machine Learning and Art 2021,  City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, June 10-14, 2021  [Art Exhibition]

Aceves-Sepúlveda, Gabriela, Freya Zinovieff and Amanda Gutiérrez. Sono-Soro[ridades]: Feminist interventions in Sound Art, co-chairs and co-organizers. In Borderline Sonorities/Sonoridades Fronteiriças IICIPS, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil (UFSC), October June 9-11, 2021. [Panel co-chair and co-organizer]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Re-centering feminist political subjectivities in the histories of film and video: La Primera Muestra del Cine y Video Realizado por Mujeres Latinas y Carbieñas (Mexico City, 1987).” In LASA 2021 Virtual Congress: Crisis global, desigualdades y centralidad de la vida, May 26 – 29, 2021. [Paper Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Feminist Interventions in the West Coast: The case of Video Art and Computer Graphics” In Digtial.Material.Visual Symposium, May 26-18, 2021.
[Paper Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. Extrapolaciones: discusión sobre la práctica artística de Pola Weiss In Facebook Live, May 3, 2021 with Alejandra Arrieta, Aline Hernández, Mónica Mayer and Sol Henaro. [Invited speaker]



Aceves-Sepulveda, Gabriela. “Digital Resources: Museo de Mujeres Artistas Mexicanas, MUMA.” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History. Oxford University Press, 2014. Article published November 19, 2020 [Journal Article]

Zinovieff, Freya and Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda. “Maritime Boundaries: Sonic Blueprints of The Geopolitical” In Leonardo, Special Issue on Sound and Geopolitics, Vol. 30, December 2020, 118-123. [Journal Article]

Aceves Sepulveda, Gabriela. “Interventions “en la west coast”: Latin American Art in Vancouver, 1980s-2019.” In 108th College of Arts Association Conference, CAA, 12-15, February 2020, Chicago. [Paper Presentation]

Aceves-Sepúlveda, Gabriela and Analays Alvarez Hernandez.“Thinking Latin American Art/Artists through Flows and Diasporas. In UAAC-AAUC, Vancouver, October 18-15, 2020. [Panel co-chairs and co-organizers]



Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. Women Made Visible: Feminist Art and Media in Post-1968 Mexico.
(Lincoln, NB: University of Nebraska, 2019) [Monograph]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Recurring Objects Recurring Objects: Heirlooms, trinkets, or otherwise…” In Mapping Meaning, The Journal. Special Issue on “Archives and Photography” edited by Nat Castañeda, Karina Aguilera Skvirsky and Trudi Lynn Smith (Fall 2019, Issue 3), 100-106. [Photo Essay]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Pa vag mot en alternativ historieskrivning inom ljudkonst och elektronisk musik tva latinamerickanska  tonsattrae i en introduction av gabriela aceves sepulveda” (Towards an alternative history of Sound Art and Electronic Music: Carmen Barradas and Jaqueline Nova, 1888-1975).
InNutida Musik, No. 275, (47-57) Spring 2019. ( Swedish translation of conference paper in Re:Trace conference proceedings).
[Journal Article]

prOphecy Sun, Freya Zinovieff and Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda. Mothering Bacteria: A Speculative Forecast of the Body as an Interface. In C&C/DIS 2019 extended abstracts. ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5917-7/19/06. [Extended Abstract in Conference Proceedings]

Aceves Sepulveda, Gabriela. “Women, Art and the Periphery:  Chilean Artists in Canada after the 1973 coup.” In 2019 University Association of Canada, UAAC/ AAUC, 24-27 October 2019, Quebec City. [Conference Presentation]

Aceves Sepulveda, Gabriela. “Feminist Art in Latin America, 1960 onwards”  In a graduate mandatory seminar in Hispanic Studies on Transatlantic Studies, Western University, London, Ontario. October 23,  2019. [Invited speaker]

Aceves Sepulveda, Gabriela. “Audiovisual production and Research-Creation methodologies”  In 5th Ficción No Ficción and “I Encuentro Internacional de Investigación Creación Audiovisual: un Modelo para desarmar” in Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia. August 28-30, 2019.
[Keynote speaker]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. and Zinovieff, Freya.“The soundscapes of Lima and Mexico City: Race, Gender and Sound in the work of Monica Mayer and Victoria Santa Cruz” in RE:SOUND 2019, Media Art Histories Conference, August 2019. [Conference Presentation]

Zinovieff, Freya, and Aceves Sepúlveda Gabriela. “Borderlands and Binaries: More-Than-Human Listening in a Time of Ecological Crisis” in RE:SOUND 2019, Media Art Histories Conference, August 2019. [Conference Presentation]

Zinovieff, Freya, Sun, prophecy, Aceves Sepulveda, Gabriela. “Mothering Bacteria: Shifting Borderlands in Algorithmic Spaces” in ASLE 2019: The Association of Studies in Literature and Environment  ” University of California, Davis, June 26-30, 2019 [Conference Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Reactivation and Remediation: Women artists as agents of the Archive.” In Film Society Association of Canada (FSC), Theorizing Vulnerability in Audio-Visual Archive, Round Table, 2019 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver 5 June 2019. [Conference Presentation]

Shin, Jo; Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela; Chazan, May; Baldwin, Melissa; Cole, Jenn. “Manifesting Resistance: Documenting a participatory media creation workshop about memory and activism” in HASTAC 2019 “Decolonizing Technologies, Reprogramming Education” Unceded Musqueam (xʷməθkʷəy̓əm) Territory, University of British Columbia, Vancouver 16-18 May 2019
[Poster Presentation]

Shin, Jo; Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda and William Odom. “Collective Wisdom”: Inquiring into Collective Homes as a Site for HCI Design, Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Glasgow, Scotland. May  4- 11, 2019  [Conference presentation and proceedings]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Early experiments with graphic notation and abstract painting in Latin America: Recovering the work of Carmen Barradas, 1888-1963,” In CAA, New York, February 13-16, 2019. [Conference Presentation]



Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Arte, Contracultura y Política. La Guerra Fría a través del El Corno Emplumado/The Plumed Horn, 1962-1968.”
In Revista de Estudios Globales & Arte Contemporáneo, Special issue on Cold War networks and circulations: cross-cultural dialogues and practices throughout the global south (1957-1991) Vol. 5, Núm. 1, 29-52. [Journal Article]

Aceves Sepulveda, Gabriela. and Aslizadeh Matilda, “Alternative Beginnings: Towards other Histories of Immersive Arts and Technologies” In Media-N, The Journal of the New Media Caucus (14), 1, 1-10. [Journal Article]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “¡Estamos Hartas!: Mexican Feminist Protests and the Meanings of Political Solidarity in Three Acts, 1971-1979”
In Jessica Stites-Mor and Maria del Carmen Suescun Pozas (ed) The Art of Solidarity: Visual Poetics of Empathy (University of Texas Press, 2018)
 [Book Chapter ]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela and Aslizadeh, Matilda. “Alternative Beginings: Towards an-Other History of Immersive  Arts and Technologies”
In 106th CAA Conference, Los Angeles Convention Center, Feb 21-24, 2018. [Abstract]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela; Bronfman, Alejandra; and Dawson, Maia. “Making Pancakes: Intergenerational Cooking and Remediating the Archive” 
In Public # 57  special issue on Archive/Counter-Archive edited by Susan Lord and Janine Marchessault (In Press 2018). [Digital Project and Artist Statement]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Carmen Barrada’s Plastica Musical: Crossovers between notation and painting, (1888-1963)”
In Coloquio Internacional sobre Notación. Cruces y prácticas contemporáneas en un Diálogo entre Latinoamérica y Europa,
Universidad Autónoma de México unam, September 12-14, 2018 [Conference Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Painting with sound: Recovering the work of Carmen Barradas, 1888-1963” In University Arts Association of Canada-L’Association d’art des universités du Canada, aauc-ucaac,  Universtiy of Waterloo, Ontario, 25-27, 2018. [Conference Presentation]


Turner, Hannah, Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela, editors, and Machuca, F., Shin, J. and Wu, X., artists (2017) “Witnessing” digital project and essay. In Immediacy, the journal of the Media Studies Graduate Program at The New School in New York City. [Digital Project]

Shin, Jo. “Status update: Deceased – Anticipating the digital native’s social media needs in ‘digital death.” In Crossing Over An Interdisciplinary Conference on Death and Morbidity, Graduate Program in Humanities at York University, Toronto, 2017. [Paper Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “[Re] Activating Mamá Pina’s Cookbook.” In Feminist Media Histories Journal special issue on Data edited by Miriam Posner and Lauren Klein (Summer 2017, vol. 3, no. 3) [Digital Project and Artist Statement]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Being Remembered: Activist Archiving and the Feminist Movement in Mexico.” In Aging Graz Conference, Center for Inter-American Studies, University of Graz, Aging Graz Conference, April 27-30, 2017. [Paper Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Feminizing the archives of digital art: Women pioneers from Latin America.
In Proceedings of the 23th International Symposium on Electronic Arts, ISEA 2017 Manizales and 16th Festival de la Imagén, Universidad de Caldas, 739-742 [Paper Presentation/ Conference Proceedings]

Turner, Hannah and Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela editors. Witnessing (Vancouver: cMAS Publications), 20 pages. ISBN # 978-0-9958899-0-3 [Print Design]

Aceves Sepúlveda Gabriela. “El Corno Emplumado/The Plumed Horn: “A world within a world”, Mexico City 1962-1969
In Jadwiga E. Pieper Mooney and Tamara Chaplin, The Global Sixties. Convention, contest and counterculture (NewYork and London: Routledge, 2017). [Book Chapter]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “The Utopian Impulse in the Videos of Pola Weiss”
In Alessandra Santos and Kim Beauchesne (ed) Performing Utopias in Contemporary Americas (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017). [ Book Chapter]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. A New (Anti) Manifesto for the Americas. Version 2015. Re-written and edited by La Pocha Nostra members Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Saul García López, and Michèle Ceballos Michot.” In Alessandra Santos and Kim Beauchesne (ed) Performing Utopias in Contemporary Americas (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017). [Print Design]

Shin, Jo; Wu, Xavier; Machuca, Fred;  Turner, Hannah and Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela presented the installation “Witnessing” In Under Super Vision 40th Annual UBC AHVA Graduate Symposium Art Exhibition AHVA Gallery, Audain Art Center, March 10- April 1, 2017.
[Art Exhibition]




Aceves Sepulveda, Gabriela, and Sarah Shamash. “Feminizing Oswald De Andrade’s Manifesto Antropófago and Vasconcelo’s Raza Cosmica : The Videos of Sonia Andrade and Pola Weiss.” Media-N The Journal of the New Media Caucus 12, no. 1 (Spring 2016). [ Journal Article]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. Remediating Mamá Pina’s Cookbook Computer Art Congress CAC.5, October 26-28, 2016 in MSH Paris Nord. [Artistic Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Transferring female reproductive labour and ephemeral and domestic forms of writing into the Archive: Remediating Mamá Pina’s Cookbook.” In Digital Art: Archiving and Questioning Immateriality. Computer Art Congress CAC.5 proceedings (Europia, 2016)
[Conference Proceedings]

Shamash, Sarah; Ramírez Oswaldo; Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Acá Nada / Acá Elsewhere” In Vancouver Latin American Film Festival, (VLAFF), Saturday September 3, 2016, The Cinemateque, Vancouver.
[Film Screening]

Aceves Sepulveda, Gabriela; DiPaola, Steve; Santos Alessandra; Shamash Sarah. “The Real, the I and the We” In Anthology of Unknowingly Yours!, part of the art-research project “‘WE’, a शब्द/ شبد (śabd),” an art-research curated by Rajarashi Sengupta and Baishali. Korean Cultural Centre, New Delhi, India. [Video Screening]

Aceves Sepulveda, Gabriela; DiPaola, Steve; Santos Alessandra; Shamash Sarah. “The Real, the I and the We” iThirstDays #3, curated by Denise Rayner and Tonel.  VIVO Media Arts, Vancouver, B.C. [ Video screening and live performance]

Aceves Sepulveda, Gabriela.“Escribiendome” in  ThirstDays #3, curated by Denise Rayner and Tonel.  VIVO Media Arts, Vancouver, B.C.[Video screening]

Shamash, Sarah; Ramírez Oswaldo; Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Acá Nada / Acá Elsewhere” in Vancouver Latin American Film Festival, (VLAFF), in ThirstDays #3, curated by Denise Rayner and Tonel.  VIVO Media Arts, Vancouver, B.C [Film Screening]

Ethnographic Terminalia Curatorial Collective. (Craig Campbell, Kate Hennessy, Fiona P. McDonald, Trudi Lynn Smith, Stephanie Takaragwa), Hannah Turner and Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda. “The Photo Essay is Dead. Long Live the Photo Essay!” Presented at the AAA, 2016, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 116 pages. ISBN #978-0-9948879-1-7
[Print Design]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela.“Forging Transnational Networks Across the Americas: El Corno Emplumado/The Plumed Horn, 1962-1969.”
In Visual Culture and the Printed Image at LASA 2016 Congress, May 27 – 3,  New York, New York.
[Paper Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda Gabriela.“Political Filmmaking and Activism in 1970s Mexico: Rosa Martha Fernández, Cooperativa de Cine Marginal and Colectivo Cine Mujer.” In Hybrid Forms of Media Art and Activism across the Americas I at CALACS 2016, Hybrid Communities, Societies, Subjectivities and Spaces, University of Calgary 1-3, June 2016.
[Paper Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda Gabriela. “Visualizing alternative cartographies of artistic exchange  during the Global Sixties: El Corno Emplumado/ The Plumed Horn, Mexico City 1962-1969.” In Visualizing Global Networks at Global Art Challenges 2016, University of Barcelona and Museum of Contemporary Art (MACBA), Barcelona, April 27 – 29, 2016.
[Paper Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. Fresh TalkSkype Talk with Spanish art duo Laramascoto (Santiago Lara + Beatriz Coto).
Spanish Language with English at the New Media Gallery at New West Minister. Sunday, May 22, 2016.
[Public Talk]



Aceves Sepúlveda Gabriela.”Imagining the Cyborg in Náhuatl: Reading the videos of Pola Weiss through Haraway’s Manifesto for Cyborgs.”
In Platform: Journal of Media and Communication, Volume 6.2 (2015): 46–60. [Journal Article]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Remediating Mama Pina’s Cookbook.” In Archive Week, “Artists in the Archives panel discussion”, The Western Front Gallery, Vancouver, November 26, 2015.
[Artist Talk]

Aceves Sepúleda Gabriela.” Remediating Mama Pina’s Cookbook.” in Archive Week, Grunt Gallery, Vancouver, November 22-28, 2015.
[Video Screening]

Aceves Sepúlveda Gabriela.“Activism and Archival Practice: Tracing the feminist militancy of Ana Victoria Jiménez, Mexico 1964-2010.”
In 2015 Raging Activism Symposium at the Center for Aging and Society, Trent University, October 16-17, 2015, Peterborough, Ontario.
[Paper Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela.“Remediating Mamá Pina’s Cookbook.”
In Ethnographic Terminalia Workshop Terminus: Archives, Ephemera, and Electronic Art in ISEA 2015, VIVO Media Arts, August 15th, 2015, Vancouver, BC.
[Paper Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela.“The Utopian Impulse in the Videos of Pola Weiss (México, 1977-1990).”
In 6th Latin America Research Group Workshop, the University of Victoria, March 14, 2015.
[Paper Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela.“Tracing the development of video art from Mexico: The televisual performances of Pola Weiss.”
In Global Video: Histories and Practices Panel at CAA 103rd Annual Conference, New York, February 11–14, 2015.
[Paper Presentation]

Hennessy, Kate, Schiphorst, Thecla, and Aceves-Sepúlveda Gabriela.“Generations, Generative Artworks from the faculty of the School of Interactive Arts and Technology”,
SFU Woodwards, September- October 2015.

Ethnographic Terminalia Curatorial Collective (Craig Campbell, Kate Hennessy, Fiona P. McDonald, Trudi Lynn Smith, Stephanie Takaragwa) Tarah Hogue and Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda.“Terminus: Archives, Ephemera and Electronic Art”, Grunt Gallery, 2015.
[ Print Design]


Aceves Sepúlveda, G. (2023) “La portapak en Latino América: The gendering of early video technology by women artists in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico” In Encounters in Video Art in Latin America edited by Elena Shtromberg and Glenn Phillips (Getty Publications, J. Paul Getty Trust), 130-133. [Book Chapter]


Juliano, Gabriel. (2022). Awareness and Hope Through Criolo’s Decolonial Project “Etérea”(2019). Stream: Interdisciplinary Journal of Communication 2022, Vol 14 (2), 48–62. [Conference Proceedings]

Aceves Sepúlveda, G. (2022). Tracing Sonic-Visualities, Tracing Feminist Sonic-Visualities in Latin American Art and its Diasporas” In Latin American Visual Histories: Paradigms/Aporias/Methods, Banff Center for the Arts [Invited speaker]

Aceves Sepúlveda G. (2022). Taking Care of Our History: Lotty Rosenfeld’s “Paz para Sebastián Acevedo”  In Invisible Colors Remediated., VIVO Media Arts Center, September 23-24, 2022. [Invited Sepaker]

Aceves Sepúlveda, G and F. Zinovieff. (2022).“ Remediation, Reactivation and Reenactment as feminist methods for collaborative research-art-creation” In  2022 FEMeeting, Lisboa and Evora, Portugal September 10-17, 2022. [Conference Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, G. (2022) Las Mujeres se hacen visibles: los feminismos en el arte y los nuevos regimens mediáticos y de visualidad en la Ciudad de México, 1971-2011. Lorena S. Murillo, translator (Bonilla Artigas Editores y CIEG -UNAM; México, 2022). [Monograph]

Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda, chair and co-organizer and Sarah Shamash, organizer  (2022)Activating the Archive: An Overview of media-based research-creation across the Americas” Panel organized and co-chaired at the Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CALACS), University of Toronto, August 24, 2022. [Conference Presentation]

Kate Hennessy and Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda co-chairs and organizers (2022). “Critical Research-Creation Engagements with Artificial Intelligence: New Works from the Making Culture Lab and CriticalMediaArtsStudio (cMAS)” In Royal Anthropology Institute RAI 2022 Anthropology and the Future of Human Society. June 8, 2022. [Conference Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, G. and Adriana Santos Melgarejo. (2022) “Carmen Barrada’s Plastica Musical: Crossovers between notation and painting, (1888-1963)” In Open Scriptures: Notation in Contemporary Art in Europe and the Americas, Susana González Aktories y Susanne Klengel (eds.), Iberoamericana/ Vervuert, Madrid/Frankfurt. p 147-162. [Book Chapter]

Aceves Sepúlveda, G. (2022) “Encounters with “Latin American Art” in Canada: From Toronto to Vancouver, 1999-2021.” In Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture (2022) 4 (1): 122–136. [Journal Article]

Lois Klassen and Aceves Sepúlveda, G. (2022) “Amplified Listening to Race and Gender in Fiamma Montezemolo’s Echo and Stephanie Dinkins’s N’TOO ”In Media-N, Journal of the New Media Caucus. Special issue No Template: Art and the Technologies of Race, Spring 2022, Vol. 18, Issue 1. [Journal Article]

Sun, p.;  Ziniovieff, F.; Aceves Sepúlveda, G. and DiPaola,S. (2022) Bodies as Borders: Body as Border: Traces and Flows of Connection, Urban Screen Surrey Art Gallery, curated by Rhys Edwards, February to May 2022. [Site-Specific Installation]

Santos Melgarejo, A., Aceves Sepulveda, G.  and Mendoza Lluberas, P. (2022) “Fabricación, Aserradero, and Fundición: Reactivating the compositions of Carmen Barradas (1888-1963)” In Gender and Musicianship Study Days conference at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki” January 25, 2022. [Concert-Conference Presentation]


Aceves Sepúlveda, G. and Santos Melagrejo, A. “Resonancia vibracionista: Conexiones y colaboraciones en las obras de Carmen y Rafael Barradas” In Rafael Barradas: Hombre Flecha.  Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales de Uruguay y el Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires (MALBA), September 2021- February 2022. ISBN: 978-987-47588-5-9 [Essay in Exhibition Catalogue]

prOphecy  Sun, Freya  Zinovieff, Steve DiPaola and Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda. Mitochondrial Echoes: Computational Poetics, In Art Machines 2 – International Symposium on Machine Learning and Art 2021,  City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, June 10-14, 2021  [Art Exhibition]

Aceves-Sepúlveda, Gabriela, Freya Zinovieff and Amanda Gutiérrez. Sono-Soro[ridades]: Feminist interventions in Sound Art, co-chairs and co-organizers. In Borderline Sonorities/Sonoridades Fronteiriças IICIPS, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil (UFSC), October June 9-11, 2021. [Panel co-chair and co-organizer]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Re-centering feminist political subjectivities in the histories of film and video: La Primera Muestra del Cine y Video Realizado por Mujeres Latinas y Carbieñas (Mexico City, 1987).” In LASA 2021 Virtual Congress: Crisis global, desigualdades y centralidad de la vida, May 26 – 29, 2021. [Paper Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Feminist Interventions in the West Coast: The case of Video Art and Computer Graphics” In Digtial.Material.Visual Symposium, May 26-18, 2021.
[Paper Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. Extrapolaciones: discusión sobre la práctica artística de Pola Weiss In Facebook Live, May 3, 2021 with Alejandra Arrieta, Aline Hernández, Mónica Mayer and Sol Henaro. [Invited speaker]



Aceves-Sepulveda, Gabriela. “Digital Resources: Museo de Mujeres Artistas Mexicanas, MUMA.” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History. Oxford University Press, 2014. Article published November 19, 2020 [Journal Article]

Zinovieff, Freya and Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda. “Maritime Boundaries: Sonic Blueprints of The Geopolitical” In Leonardo, Special Issue on Sound and Geopolitics, Vol. 30, December 2020, 118-123. [Journal Article]

Aceves Sepulveda, Gabriela. “Interventions “en la west coast”: Latin American Art in Vancouver, 1980s-2019.” In 108th College of Arts Association Conference, CAA, 12-15, February 2020, Chicago. [Paper Presentation]

Aceves-Sepúlveda, Gabriela and Analays Alvarez Hernandez.“Thinking Latin American Art/Artists through Flows and Diasporas. In UAAC-AAUC, Vancouver, October 18-15, 2020. [Panel co-chairs and co-organizers]



Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. Women Made Visible: Feminist Art and Media in Post-1968 Mexico.
(Lincoln, NB: University of Nebraska, 2019) [Monograph]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Recurring Objects Recurring Objects: Heirlooms, trinkets, or otherwise…” In Mapping Meaning, The Journal. Special Issue on “Archives and Photography” edited by Nat Castañeda, Karina Aguilera Skvirsky and Trudi Lynn Smith (Fall 2019, Issue 3), 100-106. [Photo Essay]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Pa vag mot en alternativ historieskrivning inom ljudkonst och elektronisk musik tva latinamerickanska  tonsattrae i en introduction av gabriela aceves sepulveda” (Towards an alternative history of Sound Art and Electronic Music: Carmen Barradas and Jaqueline Nova, 1888-1975).
InNutida Musik, No. 275, (47-57) Spring 2019. ( Swedish translation of conference paper in Re:Trace conference proceedings).
[Journal Article]

prOphecy Sun, Freya Zinovieff and Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda. Mothering Bacteria: A Speculative Forecast of the Body as an Interface. In C&C/DIS 2019 extended abstracts. ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5917-7/19/06. [Extended Abstract in Conference Proceedings]

Aceves Sepulveda, Gabriela. “Women, Art and the Periphery:  Chilean Artists in Canada after the 1973 coup.” In 2019 University Association of Canada, UAAC/ AAUC, 24-27 October 2019, Quebec City. [Conference Presentation]

Aceves Sepulveda, Gabriela. “Feminist Art in Latin America, 1960 onwards”  In a graduate mandatory seminar in Hispanic Studies on Transatlantic Studies, Western University, London, Ontario. October 23,  2019. [Invited speaker]

Aceves Sepulveda, Gabriela. “Audiovisual production and Research-Creation methodologies”  In 5th Ficción No Ficción and “I Encuentro Internacional de Investigación Creación Audiovisual: un Modelo para desarmar” in Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia. August 28-30, 2019.
[Keynote speaker]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. and Zinovieff, Freya.“The soundscapes of Lima and Mexico City: Race, Gender and Sound in the work of Monica Mayer and Victoria Santa Cruz” in RE:SOUND 2019, Media Art Histories Conference, August 2019. [Conference Presentation]

Zinovieff, Freya, and Aceves Sepúlveda Gabriela. “Borderlands and Binaries: More-Than-Human Listening in a Time of Ecological Crisis” in RE:SOUND 2019, Media Art Histories Conference, August 2019. [Conference Presentation]

Zinovieff, Freya, Sun, prophecy, Aceves Sepulveda, Gabriela. “Mothering Bacteria: Shifting Borderlands in Algorithmic Spaces” in ASLE 2019: The Association of Studies in Literature and Environment  ” University of California, Davis, June 26-30, 2019 [Conference Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Reactivation and Remediation: Women artists as agents of the Archive.” In Film Society Association of Canada (FSC), Theorizing Vulnerability in Audio-Visual Archive, Round Table, 2019 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver 5 June 2019. [Conference Presentation]

Shin, Jo; Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela; Chazan, May; Baldwin, Melissa; Cole, Jenn. “Manifesting Resistance: Documenting a participatory media creation workshop about memory and activism” in HASTAC 2019 “Decolonizing Technologies, Reprogramming Education” Unceded Musqueam (xʷməθkʷəy̓əm) Territory, University of British Columbia, Vancouver 16-18 May 2019
[Poster Presentation]

Jo Shin, Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda, William Odom. “Collective Wisdom”: Inquiring into Collective Homes as a Site for HCI Design, Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Glasgow, Scotland. May  4- 11, 2019  [Conference presentation and proceedings]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Early experiments with graphic notation and abstract painting in Latin America: Recovering the work of Carmen Barradas, 1888-1963,” In CAA, New York, February 13-16, 2019. [Conference Presentation]



Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Arte, Contracultura y Política. La Guerra Fría a través del El Corno Emplumado/The Plumed Horn, 1962-1968.”
In Revista de Estudios Globales & Arte Contemporáneo, Special issue on Cold War networks and circulations: cross-cultural dialogues and practices throughout the global south (1957-1991) Vol. 5, Núm. 1, 29-52. [Journal Article]

Aceves Sepulveda, Gabriela. and Aslizadeh Matilda, “Alternative Beginnings: Towards other Histories of Immersive Arts and Technologies” In Media-N, The Journal of the New Media Caucus (14), 1, 1-10. [Journal Article]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “¡Estamos Hartas!: Mexican Feminist Protests and the Meanings of Political Solidarity in Three Acts, 1971-1979”
In Jessica Stites-Mor and Maria del Carmen Suescun Pozas (ed) The Art of Solidarity: Visual Poetics of Empathy (University of Texas Press, 2018)
 [Book Chapter ]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela and Aslizadeh, Matilda. “Alternative Beginings: Towards an-Other History of Immersive  Arts and Technologies”
In 106th CAA Conference, Los Angeles Convention Center, Feb 21-24, 2018. [Abstract]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela; Bronfman, Alejandra; and Dawson, Maia. “Making Pancakes: Intergenerational Cooking and Remediating the Archive” 
In Public # 57  special issue on Archive/Counter-Archive edited by Susan Lord and Janine Marchessault (In Press 2018). [Digital Project and Artist Statement]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Carmen Barrada’s Plastica Musical: Crossovers between notation and painting, (1888-1963)”
In Coloquio Internacional sobre Notación. Cruces y prácticas contemporáneas en un Diálogo entre Latinoamérica y Europa,
Universidad Autónoma de México unam, September 12-14, 2018 [Conference Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Painting with sound: Recovering the work of Carmen Barradas, 1888-1963” In University Arts Association of Canada-L’Association d’art des universités du Canada, aauc-ucaac,  Universtiy of Waterloo, Ontario, 25-27, 2018. [Conference Presentation]


Turner, Hannah, Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela, editors, and Machuca, F., Shin, J. and Wu, X., artists (2017) “Witnessing” digital project and essay. In Immediacy, the journal of the Media Studies Graduate Program at The New School in New York City. [Digital Project]

Shin, Jo. “Status update: Deceased – Anticipating the digital native’s social media needs in ‘digital death.” In Crossing Over An Interdisciplinary Conference on Death and Morbidity, Graduate Program in Humanities at York University, Toronto, 2017. [Paper Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “[Re] Activating Mamá Pina’s Cookbook.” In Feminist Media Histories Journal special issue on Data edited by Miriam Posner and Lauren Klein (Summer 2017, vol. 3, no. 3) [Digital Project and Artist Statement]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Being Remembered: Activist Archiving and the Feminist Movement in Mexico.” In Aging Graz Conference, Center for Inter-American Studies, University of Graz, Aging Graz Conference, April 27-30, 2017. [Paper Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Feminizing the archives of digital art: Women pioneers from Latin America.
In Proceedings of the 23th International Symposium on Electronic Arts, ISEA 2017 Manizales and 16th Festival de la Imagén, Universidad de Caldas, 739-742 [Paper Presentation/ Conference Proceedings]

Turner, Hannah and Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela editors. Witnessing (Vancouver: cMAS Publications), 20 pages. ISBN # 978-0-9958899-0-3 [Print Design]

Aceves Sepúlveda Gabriela. “El Corno Emplumado/The Plumed Horn: “A world within a world”, Mexico City 1962-1969
In Jadwiga E. Pieper Mooney and Tamara Chaplin, The Global Sixties. Convention, contest and counterculture (NewYork and London: Routledge, 2017). [Book Chapter]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “The Utopian Impulse in the Videos of Pola Weiss”
In Alessandra Santos and Kim Beauchesne (ed) Performing Utopias in Contemporary Americas (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017). [ Book Chapter]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. A New (Anti) Manifesto for the Americas. Version 2015. Re-written and edited by La Pocha Nostra members Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Saul García López, and Michèle Ceballos Michot.” In Alessandra Santos and Kim Beauchesne (ed) Performing Utopias in Contemporary Americas (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017). [Print Design]

Shin, Jo; Wu, Xavier; Machuca, Fred;  Turner, Hannah and Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela presented the installation “Witnessing” In Under Super Vision 40th Annual UBC AHVA Graduate Symposium Art Exhibition AHVA Gallery, Audain Art Center, March 10- April 1, 2017.
[Art Exhibition]




Aceves Sepulveda, Gabriela, and Sarah Shamash. “Feminizing Oswald De Andrade’s Manifesto Antropófago and Vasconcelo’s Raza Cosmica : The Videos of Sonia Andrade and Pola Weiss.” Media-N The Journal of the New Media Caucus 12, no. 1 (Spring 2016). [ Journal Article]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. Remediating Mamá Pina’s Cookbook Computer Art Congress CAC.5, October 26-28, 2016 in MSH Paris Nord. [Artistic Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Transferring female reproductive labour and ephemeral and domestic forms of writing into the Archive: Remediating Mamá Pina’s Cookbook.” In Digital Art: Archiving and Questioning Immateriality. Computer Art Congress CAC.5 proceedings (Europia, 2016)
[Conference Proceedings]

Shamash, Sarah; Ramírez Oswaldo; Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Acá Nada / Acá Elsewhere” In Vancouver Latin American Film Festival, (VLAFF), Saturday September 3, 2016, The Cinemateque, Vancouver.
[Film Screening]

Aceves Sepulveda, Gabriela; DiPaola, Steve; Santos Alessandra; Shamash Sarah. “The Real, the I and the We” In Anthology of Unknowingly Yours!, part of the art-research project “‘WE’, a शब्द/ شبد (śabd),” an art-research curated by Rajarashi Sengupta and Baishali. Korean Cultural Centre, New Delhi, India. [Video Screening]

Aceves Sepulveda, Gabriela; DiPaola, Steve; Santos Alessandra; Shamash Sarah. “The Real, the I and the We” iThirstDays #3, curated by Denise Rayner and Tonel.  VIVO Media Arts, Vancouver, B.C. [ Video screening and live performance]

Aceves Sepulveda, Gabriela.“Escribiendome” in  ThirstDays #3, curated by Denise Rayner and Tonel.  VIVO Media Arts, Vancouver, B.C.[Video screening]

Shamash, Sarah; Ramírez Oswaldo; Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Acá Nada / Acá Elsewhere” in Vancouver Latin American Film Festival, (VLAFF), in ThirstDays #3, curated by Denise Rayner and Tonel.  VIVO Media Arts, Vancouver, B.C [Film Screening]

Ethnographic Terminalia Curatorial Collective. (Craig Campbell, Kate Hennessy, Fiona P. McDonald, Trudi Lynn Smith, Stephanie Takaragwa), Hannah Turner and Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda. “The Photo Essay is Dead. Long Live the Photo Essay!” Presented at the AAA, 2016, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 116 pages. ISBN #978-0-9948879-1-7
[Print Design]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela.“Forging Transnational Networks Across the Americas: El Corno Emplumado/The Plumed Horn, 1962-1969.”
In Visual Culture and the Printed Image at LASA 2016 Congress, May 27 – 3,  New York, New York.
[Paper Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda Gabriela.“Political Filmmaking and Activism in 1970s Mexico: Rosa Martha Fernández, Cooperativa de Cine Marginal and Colectivo Cine Mujer.” In Hybrid Forms of Media Art and Activism across the Americas I at CALACS 2016, Hybrid Communities, Societies, Subjectivities and Spaces, University of Calgary 1-3, June 2016.
[Paper Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda Gabriela. “Visualizing alternative cartographies of artistic exchange  during the Global Sixties: El Corno Emplumado/ The Plumed Horn, Mexico City 1962-1969.” In Visualizing Global Networks at Global Art Challenges 2016, University of Barcelona and Museum of Contemporary Art (MACBA), Barcelona, April 27 – 29, 2016.
[Paper Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. Fresh TalkSkype Talk with Spanish art duo Laramascoto (Santiago Lara + Beatriz Coto).
Spanish Language with English at the New Media Gallery at New West Minister. Sunday, May 22, 2016.
[Public Talk]



Aceves Sepúlveda Gabriela.”Imagining the Cyborg in Náhuatl: Reading the videos of Pola Weiss through Haraway’s Manifesto for Cyborgs.”
In Platform: Journal of Media and Communication, Volume 6.2 (2015): 46–60. [Journal Article]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela. “Remediating Mama Pina’s Cookbook.” In Archive Week, “Artists in the Archives panel discussion”, The Western Front Gallery, Vancouver, November 26, 2015.
[Artist Talk]

Aceves Sepúleda Gabriela.” Remediating Mama Pina’s Cookbook.” in Archive Week, Grunt Gallery, Vancouver, November 22-28, 2015.
[Video Screening]

Aceves Sepúlveda Gabriela.“Activism and Archival Practice: Tracing the feminist militancy of Ana Victoria Jiménez, Mexico 1964-2010.”
In 2015 Raging Activism Symposium at the Center for Aging and Society, Trent University, October 16-17, 2015, Peterborough, Ontario.
[Paper Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela.“Remediating Mamá Pina’s Cookbook.”
In Ethnographic Terminalia Workshop Terminus: Archives, Ephemera, and Electronic Art in ISEA 2015, VIVO Media Arts, August 15th, 2015, Vancouver, BC.
[Paper Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela.“The Utopian Impulse in the Videos of Pola Weiss (México, 1977-1990).”
In 6th Latin America Research Group Workshop, the University of Victoria, March 14, 2015.
[Paper Presentation]

Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela.“Tracing the development of video art from Mexico: The televisual performances of Pola Weiss.”
In Global Video: Histories and Practices Panel at CAA 103rd Annual Conference, New York, February 11–14, 2015.
[Paper Presentation]

Hennessy, Kate, Schiphorst, Thecla, and Aceves-Sepúlveda Gabriela.“Generations, Generative Artworks from the faculty of the School of Interactive Arts and Technology”,
SFU Woodwards, September- October 2015.

Ethnographic Terminalia Curatorial Collective (Craig Campbell, Kate Hennessy, Fiona P. McDonald, Trudi Lynn Smith, Stephanie Takaragwa) Tarah Hogue and Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda.“Terminus: Archives, Ephemera and Electronic Art”, Grunt Gallery, 2015.
[ Print Design]