sono(soro)ridades at The Institute of Knowledge, U of A, May 16 – June 10, 2023
Really excited to be part of the exhibition at The Institute of Knowledge at The University of Alberta from May 16- June 20, 2023. Our collective sono(soro)ridades will present the audio installation Feminist Sonographies of Situated Listening.
sono(soro)ridades is an ad-hoc group of feminist sound artists, activists and scholars interested in investigating the affective and political dimensions of sound. We organize public and academic activities to foster the development of networks of exchange between scholars, activists and artists across the Americas and Europe. We also collaborate with other networks interested in developing sorority and solidarity through the sonic in all its dimensions.
sono(soro)ridades es un grupo ad-hoc de artistas sonoras, activistas y académicas feministas interesadas en investigar las dimensiones afectivas y políticas del sonido. Buscamos desarrollar redes de intercambio entre académicos, activistas y artistas de las Américas y Europa a través de talleres publicos y eventos académicos para crear puentes asi como lineas de afinidad y solidaridad. Colaboramos con otras redes interesadas en desarrollar la sororidad y la solidaridad a través del sonido en todas sus dimensiones dentro y fuera de ciruclos academicos.
current members of sono(soro)ridades: Amanda Gutiérrez, Ana Mora, Freya Zinovieff, Laura Balboa, Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda and Victoria Polti.