Situated Listening: a collective and hybrid panel with The Listening Academy in the UK. Tuesday 11th Oct at 4pm (UK) / 5pm (CET) / 11am (ET) / 8am (PT)

Freya Zinovieff is working closely with a community of ten researchers with sound-based practices, located in Canada, the USA, the UK, Denmark, Sweden and Finland, to propose the practice of Situated Listening; an evolving interdisciplinary method for evidencing the networks of hidden, unheard and non-human residues, that weave through the increasing political, social and environmental crisis of this time. They have a forthcoming book contract with Routledge and are presenting a collective and hybrid panel with The Listening Academy in the UK, details are below: Tuesday 11th Oct at 4pm (UK) / 5pm (CET) / 11am (ET) / 8am (PT)

Situated Listening emerges from an experiment in intersubjective thinking and writing, born of the contributors’ shared artistic and scholarly interests. Making the case that situated and embodied methodologies of listening unsettle received understandings of–and relationships to–media, ecological relations, and scientific practice, the group argue towards listening as an underused resource for alternative ways of knowing and engaging with the world. They will provide a brief introduction to some of the diverse modes of knowing that will be encountered in their forthcoming book, how they are being practiced, and what they bring to urgent questions of care of a shared world.

Situated Listening: Freya Zinovieff, Stephanie Loveless, Tullis Rennie, Louise Mackenzie, Morten Søndergaard, Marie Koldkjaer Højlund

Introducing Situated Listening

Activity: Listening Score 1 (15 mins)
Part 1: Methodologies of Situated Listening (10 mins)

Activity: Listening Score 2 (15 mins)
Part 2: Apparatuses of Situated Listening (10 mins)

Activity: Listening Score 3 (15 mins)
Part 3: Cultures of Situated Listening (10 mins)

Plenary / Q&A

In association with The Listening Biennial

*If you are interested in attending via zoom PM Freya Zinovieff

To learn more about Situated Listening  click here.